
Jersey Electricity – 3G WAN Network

The partnership between Airtel-Vodafone & Jersey Electricity saw the design and development of the first-ever public/private 3G WAN in Jersey. This robust and cost-efficient network was developed as a unique solution for Jersey Electricity to remove the need for manual meter reading, saving costs and time.

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Mourant Image

Mourant - Global mobile connectivity

With worldwide client and colleague connectivity as one of the business’s operational priorities, Mourant partnered with Airtel-Vodafone to tailor a cost-efficient and seamless mobile plan to connect with their large global client base. Airtel-Vodafone continuously reviews Mourant’s connectivity requirements to keep their plan suited to their needs while staying cost-effective.

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Jersey Dairy - Vehicle Tracking and Management

Jersey Dairy came to Airtel-Vodafone with its own specific fleet tracking requirements to improve delivery times and driver safety. Airtel-Vodafone worked closely with Jersey Dairy to understand those needs and develop an efficient and effective solution to provide an intuitive and feature-rich fleet tracking system for their fleet of 11 vehicles.

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Rok Group – Mobile connectivity

Airtel-Vodafone has been partnered with one of the largest construction companies in the Channel Islands since 2012. By providing them with a bespoke and scalable mobile business plan, Airtel-Vodafone has enabled ROK Group to keep up with their rapid growth and save money with flexible solutions and dedicated support.

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Ferry Speed

Partners of Airtel-Vodafone since 2012, commercial freight shipping service Ferryspeed continue to benefit from dedicated customer support and reliable network. Most recently, Ferryspeed embarked on the challenge to improve the efficiency of their deliveries, which Airtel-Vodafone were able to meet successfully with a tailored smart tech solution.

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Jersey Employment Trust (JET) – Mobile connectivity

JET switched its business mobile service to Airtel-Vodafone as a solution to coverage issues while also benefiting from significant savings. By taking the time to analyze and resolve JET’s connectivity issues through a dedicated account manager, Airtel-Vodafone was able to provide the charity with the services they needed at the times they needed them most.

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